In 2016, Google created an ephemeral escape game in Paris, named Première Pièce. SUPERBIEN was asked by WE ARE SOCIAL to create video content and interactive experiences for it.
Players had to go through several mini-riddles to finish the game, like searching for items in a high resolution painting that was controlled by their movements, or stepping at the right spot in the room to unlock new clues to carry on.
As a back-end developer, I was in charge of creating the experiences themselves (in collaboration with graphic designers), as well as developing the admnistration interface of the game. From the control room, we could start and end game sessions, monitor the status of all the sensors/devices in the room (relays, electromagnets, reed sensors, kinects) and manually activate devices if the players needed some help. This backend was all developed with the vvvv programming language.
This was a realy interesting project to work on since it covered topics such as physical interactions, controlling hardware and developping a complete administration backend for the escape game.
You can watch a video case-study of the project here.